Emergency Plan

Be Prepared

Make a Plan

Being prepared starts with a plan. Involve your family members in developing a plan, then remember to post the plan somewhere everyone can see the details. Here are some things to consider when creating your plan:

Safe Shelter

During severe weather stay alert for rapidly changing conditions. Stay updated about tornado watches and warnings.  

During a tornado warning:

- At your house: go to basement, safe room, or lowest, most interior room away from windows.  

- Workplace/School: follow procedures to proceed to tornado shelter location quickly and calmly. Stay away from windows and large rooms such as cafeterias, auditoriums and gymnasiums.

- Outside: seek shelter inside a sturdy building.  

- In a vehicle: the best course is to drive to a sturdy building. If you are unable to make it to a safe shelter, buckle your seat belt, get down in your car, and cover your head. If you choose to seek shelter in a ditch or ravine as a last resort, be aware for water and other hazards. 

Emergency Power Planning

If you use battery or electricity-dependent assistive technology, such as oxygen or other medical devices, you should have a plan for total loss of power and/or rolling brownouts. Here is a guide to help you plan: Emergency Power Planning Checklist

Create an emergency communications plan.

Choose an out-of-town contact your family or household will call, or email should a disaster occur. Your selected contacts should live far enough away that they would be unlikely to be directly affected by the same event, and they should know they are the chosen contacts. Make sure every household member has the contacts', and each other's, email addresses and telephone numbers (home, work and mobile). Leave these contact numbers at your children's schools and at your workplace. Your family should know that if telephones are not working, they need to be patient and try again later or try email. Many people flood the telephone lines when emergencies happen, but email can sometimes get through when calls don't.

Senior Considerations

For tips on emergency preparedness for older adults, check out the National Council on Aging's Emergency Preparedness Guide.

Check on school emergency plans at your child's school.

Does your child's school keep children at school until a parent or designated adult can pick them up or send them home on their own? Be sure that the school has updated information about how to reach parents and responsible caregivers to arrange for pick up. And ask what type of authorization the school may require releasing a child to someone you designate, if you are not able to pick up your child. During times of emergency the school telephones may be overwhelmed with calls.

Disaster-proof Your Home

Do you know what to check in your home to ensure the safety of your family?


If local authorities ask you to leave the area, they have a good reason to make this request, and you should heed the advice immediately. Listen to your radio or television and follow the instructions of local emergency officials and keep these simple tips in mind:

Evacuations at Work

It's easy to figure out what you would do at home in case of an emergency, but what about your workplace? Would you know what to do if you had to evacuate your building at a moment's notice? Here are some tips in setting up business evacuation plans:

Finally, host regular evacuation exercises for the entire workplace, including employees with disabilities. In Sedgwick County, mark your calendar for the 11th day of each month to practice your evacuation plan.

Schedule a Presentation

Emergency management personnel are available to visit your meeting, gathering or classroom and discuss emergency preparedness and weather safety topics. Email your preferred date, time and topic.