Sedgwick County Community Dashboard
Welcome to the Sedgwick County Community Dashboard. This initial dashboard represents Sedgwick County’s commitment to transparency, as we make data-driven decisions in determining how resources are allocated to services provided to our community. The underlying information currently contains data updated weekly, monthly, or in some cases annually.
The information provided in this dashboard is meant to serve as a starting point as we continue to produce more detailed department specific dashboards. Links to the data and dashboards now available for the Division of Finance, EMS and the Developmental Disability Organization can be reached by clicking the information icon in the headers.
Current measures:
- Safe & Secure Community displays the average daily population of Adult Detention, Emergency Medical Services response trends, Fire District 1 response trends, 9-1-1 call volume trends, Corrections recidivism rate, and drug overdose deaths.
- Economic Health displays the local unemployment rate, sales tax collections, auto tag transactions, number and value of building construction permits, mortgage values filed, and property tax collections vs receipts by tax authority.
- Transportation displays active and completed infrastructure projects, response to citizen calls or HEAT tickets created for Public Works, actual project cost, bridge sufficiency scores, and rides provided by Sedgwick County Transportation.
- Health and Emotional Wellness displays the number of children under the age of 18 hospitalized with emotional struggles, suicide rates in Sedgwick County, Health Department clinical service encounters, Mobile Crisis response times, home health resources, and satisfaction with developmental disability services.
- Culture and Recreation displays the cost recovery of Sedgwick County Park and Lake Afton, Intrust Bank Arena events and attendance numbers, visitation trends for the Sedgwick County Zoo, Exploration Place and County parks, and educational activity attendance.
- High Performing Government – Ballots cast in Primary and General elections, employee retention and turnover, electricity usage trends by key facilities, Call Center call volume, Helpdesk calls resolved on first contact, and assessed property valuations compared to sales transaction values.
You can view the summary dashboard on this page below or click the link to view the full dashboard. The data dashboard is best viewed with Edge, Chrome or Firefox.
If you have any questions about the dashboard, please contact the ERP Senior Business Analyst.