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Past Requests
RFB/RFP Due Date Description Documents Approved Awards
25-0002 2/11/2025 1:45:00 PM 2025 Crack Seal (R175-H)
25-0015 2/11/2025 1:45:00 PM 4 Ea. Small/Mid-Size AWD SUV Crossovers
25-0008 2/4/2025 1:45:00 PM 2 Ea. 1 Ton 4WD Crew Cab Flat Bed Fuel/Lube Trucks
25-0014 2/4/2025 1:45:00 PM 10 Ea. Large or Mid-Size 4-Door Sedans
24-0077 1/28/2025 1:45:00 PM Radio Consultant
25-0001 1/28/2025 1:45:00 PM Sedgwick County Courthouse Annex Remodel Phase 1-ORU Recommend to accept the low bid from Icon Structures in the amount of $913,250.00.
24-0085 1/28/2025 1:45:00 PM Bridge Improvements (B532) Recommend to accept the low bid from Dondlinger & Sons Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $437,643.00.
24-0082 1/21/2025 1:45:00 PM Bridge Improvements (B514) Recommend to accept the low bid from King Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $967,314.50.
24-0074 1/21/2025 1:45:00 PM Juvenile Services Recommend to accept the proposals from Cherry Creek Treatment Center, Kansas Department for Children and Families dba DCF, and TFI Family Services, Inc.
25-0003 1/21/2025 1:45:00 PM Sedgwick County Zoo Main Line Backflow Install Recommend to accept the bid from South Central Commercial Mechanical in the amount of $183,317.45.