South Bluff Groundwater Study - Watch the video

Environmental Resources

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility

The HHW Facility is a place where Sedgwick County residents can safely dispose of old chemicals and household hazardous waste free of charge. The HHW accepts old chemicals including paint, aerosols, batteries, used oil, gasoline, antifreeze and garden chemicals to prevent them from getting into the waste stream and polluting the environment. For more information, call the Sedgwick County Household Hazardous Waste Facility at (316) 660-7458.

Note: The Swap and Shop will be closed starting September 16. Construction is beginning on the HHW facility expansion. Please check back for updates regarding Swap and Shop reopening. We are still accepting old chemicals and hazardous waste during construction. Click HERE for a map of where to enter to drop off old chemicals.

Video Guide to Trash and Recycling in Sedgwick County

Trash and recycling options vary from place to place. If you're new to Sedgwick County and want to order trash service, or if you're a seasoned resident who would like to know more about your recycling options, watch this video about trash and recycling in Sedgwick County.

Ozone Reduction Tips

Follow these tips to help reduce ozone.

Watch a short video about ozone and the small changes you can make to help reduce it.

Get tips to reduce ozone in Sedgwick County - printable flier.

Information on the volumes of trash generated in Sedgwick County can be found in the most recent Solid Waste Plan update and the most recent Five Year Solid Waste Plan update.

Groundwater Flooding Meeting

Click here to review a 2018 meeting where several subject matter experts spoke about groundwater and possible solutions to basement flooding due to record rainfall in Sedgwick County that year. The purpose of the meeting was to help citizens understand groundwater, discuss possible solutions and answer questions.