4/19/2016 1:45:00 PM
Prevention/Early Intervention Services |
See bid tabulation.
4/12/2016 1:45:00 PM
Grease Trap Maintenance Cleaning |
Recommend to accept the bid from Reddi Industries Inc. in the amount of $2,580.00 and establish contract pricing for three (3) years with two (2) one (1) year options to renew.
4/5/2016 1:45:00 PM
Asphalt Surface Rejuvenation (R175-A) |
Recommend to accept the bid from Cutler Repaving, Inc., in the amount of $1,759,714.20.
4/5/2016 1:45:00 PM
Road Improvement - 135th St West between 95th & 103rd St South (R299) |
Recommend to accept the low bid APAC - Kansas, Inc., in the amount of $583,783.50.
4/5/2016 1:45:00 PM
Parking Lot, ADA, and Master Control Upgrade |
Recommend the base bid with alternates 1 and 4 in the amount of $917,000.00 and establish unit pricing for wheel stops at $44.00 ea. from Walz Harman Huffman Construction, Inc.
4/5/2016 1:45:00 PM
On-Call Translation Services |
See attached bid tabulation.
4/5/2016 1:45:00 PM
HP Desktop Computers, Laptops and Tablets |
Recommend the low responsive bid from CDW-G in the amount of $114,888.04.
3/29/2016 1:45:00 PM
Bridge Improvement - 135th St West between 21st & 29th St North (B474) |
Recommend to accept the low bid from King Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $846,792.30.
3/29/2016 1:45:00 PM
2016 Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycled Pavement (R175-M) |
Recommend to accept the low bid from Dustrol, Inc. in the amount of $618,368.44.
3/29/2016 1:45:00 PM
Dark Fiber |
Recommend to accept the low bid from Phillips Southern Electric Company, Inc. in the amount of $72,995.00.