NOTE: You must have your popup blockers turned off to use the document viewer.
By using this site, you are making the following certification pursuant to K.S.A. 45-220(c)(2): "the requester does not intend to, and will not: (A) Use any list of names or addresses contained in or derived from the records or information for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service to any person listed or to any person who resides at any address listed; or (B) sell, give or otherwise make available to any person any list of names or addresses contained in or derived from the records or information for the purpose of allowing that person to sell or offer for sale any property or service to any person listed or to any person who resides at any address listed."
Instructions for Retrieving Scanned Documents
Sedgwick County Offices regularly scans Documents that meet the Open Records Act and makes the documents available on the web. Due to statutory requirements and security concerns, the process of viewing documents involves several steps. Printing, thoroughly reading and following these instructions will significantly improve the process.
1. This is the search screen for the document imaging system.
You will only see documents identified as Open Records for Public Access
2. In the Dropdown list select the document type you wish to view.
APPR- Sedgwick County Appraiser's Office Documents
ELE- Sedgwick County Elections Documents
3. Depending on the Document Type search in the dropdown you will see different keyword fields. The more keywords you enter will narrow the documents returned. Fill in or select at least two fields for best results.

Wildcard search enter an * before/after text you type in box
4. Click the Search button
5. As you hover mouse over document it will be highlighted, click on the line and it will open the document in a second tab.
All documents will be displayed as PDF