Community Taskforce to Review Youth Corrections Systems Standards

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The Community Taskforce was established to review and recommend preferred system improvements after the incident and death of Cedric Lofton.

The goal of the Taskforce is to develop recommendations for improvements and changes to the existing system standards and performance of the Department of Children and Families (DCF), law enforcement and youth corrections programs.

Work of the Taskforce: 

The Taskforce will have a third party external moderator/facilitator assisting in the dialogue and efforts of these meetings. The potential timeline of completion is three months but will be determined and driven by the work and outcomes of this Taskforce.

A final report of recommendations will be presented to the governing bodies of Sedgwick County, City of Wichita and the State of Kansas as an outcome from this Taskforce.

If you would like to send comments to the Community Taskforce, please contact them at All comments will be provided to the taskforce.

Taskforce members:

  1. Larry Burks, Sr., NAACP – Wichita Branch
  2. Lilliana Rivera, NAACP – Wichita Branch
  3. Mike Fonkert, Kansas Appleseed
  4. Holly Osborne/Valerie Leon, St. Francis Ministries
  5. Marquetta Atkins, Destination Innovation
  6. Jazmine Rogers, Progeny
  7. Dr. April Terry, Kansas Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
  8. Steve House, Juvenile Defense Counsel
  9. Poncho Bustos, USD 259
  10. Annmarie Arensberg, KVC Hospital Wichita
  11. Debbie Kennedy, Wichita Children’s Home
  12. Taben Azad, Wichita Asian Association
  13. Pastor C. Richard Kirkendoll, Greater Wichita Ministerial League
  14. Nina Shaw-Woody, Kansas Family Advisory Network
  15. Yeni Telles, Sunflower Community Action 
  16. Lamont Anderson, Community Partner
  17. Dr. Rhonda Lewis, Community Partner
  18. Monique Garcia, Community Partner
  19. Tracey Mason, Community Partner
  20. Naquela Pack, Community Partner
  21. Yusef Presley, Community Partner
  22. Natalie Zarate, Community Partner

Taskforce resource members:

  1. Steven Stonehouse, Sedgwick County Department of Corrections
  2. Hope Cooper, KDOC
  3. Kristin Peterman, Department of Children and Families (DCF)
  4. Shantel Westbrook, COMCARE
  5. Lemuel Moore, Wichita Police Department

Taskforce Meetings

Community Taskforce Final Recommendations Report

Meeting Documents