Exploited and Missing Children Unit - EMCU
The Exploited and Missing Child Unit (EMCU) conducts the investigations of alleged child abuse cases in Sedgwick County. Investigators from the Wichita Police Department and Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office and social workers from the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) -- Child Protective Services work as a team to investigate over 2,000 cases a year of child abuse, missing and abducted children, internet exploitation and crimes against children. This specialized unit assists ALL law enforcement agencies in Sedgwick County as well as other agencies throughout the state of Kansas.
In recognition of the sensitive nature of these cases, EMCU staff receive specialized training for crimes against children that enables them to perform their duties with the least amount of trauma to the child victims. There are multiple phases to any investigation - these can include interviewing the victim, witnesses, and the perpetrator; identifying corroborating (or supporting) evidence; presenting evidence for the prosecution of the offender; and to provide services and resources to the child and their caregivers.