August 10, 2016
Kate Flavin
Archived: 95th Street South Study Asks for Public Input
Meetings scheduled in Derby and Haysville
Public meetings for the Arkansas River Crossing – 95th Street South (ARC95) Study have been scheduled in Derby and Haysville. The transportation study is looking at the needs and feasibility of improving the 95th Street corridor in southern Sedgwick County.
In Derby, the meeting will be from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 16, at the Derby Public Library, 1600 E. Walnut Grove.
In Haysville, the meeting will be from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 18, at the Haysville Public Library, 210 S. Hays. Formal comments will be made at 5:15 p.m. at both meetings.
“This is an important opportunity to hear directly from people who are familiar with the corridor, as well as those who are interested in – or concerned about – future development in that area,” said Chairman Jim Howell, Sedgwick County Commission, whose district includes part of the corridor. The study area encompasses 95th Street South between Greenwich Road and Meridian Avenue. The initial focus for projects is on the section between Woodlawn Boulevard and Broadway Avenue. Several earlier studies identified this area as having the most potential to improve mobility and access to support future growth needs. The study also will consider previous recommendations for a new bridge over the Arkansas River.
“The goal here is to refine what those recommendations mean, in terms of impact and cost,” said Commissioner Tim Norton, whose district also is represented in the study area. “We would like to see if improvements in this part of the County could lead to increased economic growth and quality of life, like it has in other areas.”
For more information, go to or follow the project on Twitter and Facebook.