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For Immediate Release
December 22, 2015
Jill Tinsley
Kristi Zukovich

Archived: Non-Emergency Line Open for New Year's Eve


The Sedgwick County Emergency Communications non-emergency phone line will be available between 6 p.m. December 31 and 3 a.m. January 1. This line functions as an alternative to 911 and is meant to receive calls for non-emergency nuisances that do not pose a threat to life or property; examples include complaints pertaining to parties, excess noise, fireworks, etc.

The non-emergency number is 290-1011.

The non-emergency line was established to prevent an influx of nuisance calls that can block emergency calls from reaching a call taker; the non-emergency line is activated during times of historically high call volumes and as otherwise needed. If someone calls 911 with a non-emergency, he/she will be transferred to the non-emergency line.

“We want to remind everyone that the non-emergency line is only staffed during specified times and events. If someone calls it when it is not staffed, the call will be routed to an emergency 911 line with limited location information,” explained Emergency Communications Director Elora Forshee.