(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – Sedgwick County residents who want to vote in the 2024 Presidential Preference Primary on March 19 have just one week to meet an important deadline. Tuesday, Feb. 20, is the last day to:

  • Register to vote
  • Change political party affiliation
  • Submit an advance mail ballot application

In the Presidential Preference Primary, only registered Republicans and Democrats can cast a ballot for a candidate in their declared party. After Feb. 20, voters cannot switch political parties, but unaffiliated voters can declare a party on Primary Election Day. Four Republican candidates – Ryan L. Binkley, Ron DeSantis, Nikki R. Haley and Donald J. Trump - and four Democratic candidates – Joseph R. Biden Jr., Jason Michael Palmer, Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson – have filed to appear on the Kansas ballot.

To register to vote, a person must be a citizen of the United States and at least 18 years old. Online voter registration applications are available at: Welcome - Kansas Online Voter Registration (ks.gov). Citizens can also register by mail or in person at the Sedgwick County Election Office, 510 N. Main, Suite 101, in Wichita. To verify identity, residents must provide the number to their valid Kansas driver’s license or non-driver’s ID card, or they can use the last four digits of their social security number.

Citizens who have already registered to vote should update their information on record if they have moved, changed their name or want to switch their political party affiliation. Voters can check their registration status at Kansas Secretary of State | VoterView (voteks.org).

Advance mail ballot applications are available at advance-voting-ballot-ap-fillable-sgco.pdf (sedgwickcounty.org). Completed forms must be signed and received by mail or in person at the Sedgwick County Election Office by Feb. 20.

For more election information and a calendar of important dates, visit Election Office | Sedgwick County, Kansas. 
