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For Media Personnel
May 16, 2022
Nicole Gibbs


Archived: Sedgwick County Emergency Management testing ATTACK function on Monday, May 23, 2022


(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – The Outdoor Warning System test conducted every Monday at noon will sound a different this upcoming Monday at 12 p.m. Sedgwick County Emergency Management will test the ATTACK function of our outdoor warning system on Monday, May 23. This system and most systems like it, have an ALERT function for severe weather (which is a steady tone), and an ATTACK function for enemy attack, air raids or other threats of that nature (which is a rise and fall).

Sedgwick County Emergency Communications celebrated the 70th anniversary of the first-ever air raid siren test in Wichita - Sedgwick County at the end of April 2022. For a review of the sirens history and the functions of the Sedgwick County Warning Systems, visit

In light of recent damaging weather and as a reminder, it is important for everyone to have the same expectations when it comes to outdoor warning devices, commonly referred to as tornado sirens. First, the sirens are not meant to be heard indoors. The devices are in place to warn people who are outside, away from radio and TV, that something bad is happening and they need to get inside, turn on local media, and find out what is going on. That means for most people the sirens are NOT meant to be a primary means of receiving an alert; they serve as a backup to one of the primary methods listed above.

To report a non-functioning outdoor warning device, please email
