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For Immediate Release
February 9, 2016
Jill Tinsley


Archived: Severe Weather Safety


Sedgwick County Emergency Management is gearing up to help residents prepare for severe weather season.

Severe Weather Safety Classes

In February, March and April, 19 severe weather safety classes will be offered at locations throughout Sedgwick County. The sessions are multimedia presentations that include videos designed to teach attendees the basics of thunderstorm development, storm structures and features, how to recognize them, and how to stay safe from them. What, when and how to report severe weather information will also be covered. Classes are open to the public and no prior experience or knowledge of severe weather is necessary to attend. Registration for the two-hour class is not necessary, and a complete list of classes is available at

Emergency Management will be giving away a starter disaster kit at each of its severe weather classes, so be sure to attend. The kit comes in its own carrying case and contains a flashlight, whistle, emergency food and water, first aid supplies, and a disaster reference guide. This basic kit is not intended to supply an entire family, or last the entire 72 hours that you need to be prepared for, but at home or in your car; it has some of the essential items you will need to help you through an emergency, or the first few hours following a disaster.

Multi-tiered Warning System

In Sedgwick County, residents enjoy a multi-tiered warning system that includes media alerts, NOAA radio alerts, the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and outdoor warning devices.

Tuning into local media outlets is always a good first step to learning about potential SEDGWICK COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS 525 N. MAIN SUITE 315 WICHITA, KANSAS 67203-3703 -more-warnings, and the Sedgwick County Emergency Information Log also offers a direct source of information regarding any type of emergency affecting the area, including severe weather. The log is updated in real time by emergency management personnel. It is helpful especially in times of uncertainty, such as false alarms and rumor control. The log may be accessed by visiting the Emergency Management website at

Note: it is not recommended to call 911 to inquire about a severe weather event. Residents should only contact 911 if they are in need of assistance from firefighters, police or the emergency medical service (EMS).

Outdoor Warning System

Since 2013, the outdoor warning system has operated digitally with expanded security features and in a “selective warning” manner. The digital system allows operators to sound only the devices in the direct or adjacent threat path. Prior to 2013, the system operated in an “all or nothing” manner, meaning every outdoor warning device would activate if any portion of Sedgwick County was experiencing a tornado threat.

Prepare, Plan, Be Informed

As with any emergency, preparedness can make the difference. As severe weather season approaches, remember to:

  • Get a Kit – Gather necessary items and information for your family's emergency preparedness kit.
  • Make a Plan – A thorough and practiced plan can help you keep track of family members in any emergency.
  • Be Informed – Stay tuned to sources of information before, during and after an emergency.
  • Get Involved – We all have a role to play in keeping our hometowns safe. Contact local volunteer organizations to find out how you can contribute.

More information about each of these preparedness steps may be found at