Reserve Your Spot In Line

You may reserve your spot in line three different ways:

  1. In Person
  2. Text Message
  3. Computer

In Person

If you don’t have access to a cell phone or PC, come into your preferred tag office.

Use the QLess kiosk where a number will be drawn using a touch screen monitor. You will be placed in line, and will be displayed on the big screen monitors. Once selected, you’ll be advised by voice prompts to an assigned station.

Text Message Instructions

To secure a place in line via text message,
Send text to: 316 395-2940
Message Line: (bolded text below no spaces; for the office of your choice.)

You will receive text asking which line you wish to join based on the descriptions below. It will only offer you lines that are available. Reply to the with the line you wish to join.

For Douglas Text Message example click here

Note: You may receive a text message: Sorry, we have already reached our maximum capacity, and will be busy serving customers until we close. Please try again later.

Computer Instructions

Select a location below. Once you have entered your name and phone number, you will see lines and wait times for those locations. You will also be able to setup an appointment for a specific time later on in the month. If you decide you do not want to continue after seeing the wait times, close out of the browser and do not hit Next. 

Retrieving queue status...

I want to do my tag or title work today.

Douglas Tag & Title

The queue has currently reached capacity and is temporarily closed. Please check back later in the day.

Current Wait Time
XXhr: XXmin
People in Line
Text "SGDouglasTag" to 316-395-2940
Kellogg Tag & Title

The queue has currently reached capacity and is temporarily closed. Please check back later in the day.

Current Wait Time
XXhr: XXmin
People in Line
Text "SGKelloggTag" to 316-395-2940

I want to schedule my title work (only) for a future date.

***Appointments are for Title Work Customers only.

Douglas Title Work Appointment

The queue has currently reached capacity and is temporarily closed. Please check back later in the day.

Kellogg Title Work Appointment

The queue has currently reached capacity and is temporarily closed. Please check back later in the day.

I want to schedule an appointment in Park City*, Derby* or Tyler*.

*This location is by appointment only, no walk-ins. This location does not accept cash.

Park City Appointment

The queue has currently reached capacity and is temporarily closed. Please check back later in the day.

Derby Appointment

The queue has currently reached capacity and is temporarily closed. Please check back later in the day.

Tyler Appointment

The queue has currently reached capacity and is temporarily closed. Please check back later in the day.

Last updated: XX

Sedgwick County makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. This public information is furnished as a public service.

*If the line is closed during normal business hours, it means that our online queue has reached capacity.

Our walk-in office hours at both locations are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding county designated holidays.

Standard text messaging rates may apply when using this service.

QLess has an app

You can download the QLess app for your mobile device at Download App | QLess