ISO Protection Classes

The Insurance Services Organization (ISO) Property Protection Class (PPC) program provides important, up-to-date information about municipal fire-protection services throughout the country. A community’s investment in fire mitigation is a proven and reliable predictor of future fire losses. So insurance companies use PPC information to help establish fair premiums for fire insurance — generally offering lower premiums in communities with better protection.

The following list is the ISO Property Protection Class’s for cities within Sedgwick County Fire District 1.

ISO Property Protection Classes by City

Andale 2
Bel Aire 2
Bentley 2
Garden Plain 2
Goddard 2
Haysville 2
Kechi 2
Maize 2
Park City 2
Viola 4

Rural areas in Sedgwick County Fire District 1 are classed as follows:

Rural areas that are without fire hydrants, but are within five miles of a qualifying fire station, are now a class 4 and were previously a class 5.

Rural areas that are without fire hydrants, but are more than five miles and less than seven miles from a qualifying fire station, are now a class 10W and were previously a class 10.

Rural areas more than 7 miles from a qualifying fire station are a class 10 and were previously a class 10.

The Cities of Wichita, Valley Center, Mt. Hope, Cheney, Clearwater, Derby, and Mulvane will have their own classes and are outside of the Fire District.