If you or another person experiences the following, call 9-1-1 to request an ambulance:
- Chest pain/heart problems – chest pain radiating to neck, jaw, arm or back
- Difficulty breathing – choking, blue appearance, struggling for air, wheezing
- Change in level of consciousness – stumbling, incoherent, mumbling or very dizzy.
- Uncontrolled bleeding – blood spurting, vomiting or coughing up blood, heavy rectal or vaginal bleeding
- Central Injuries – injuries to the head, neck, back, abdomen or pelvis or inability to walk

In addition, 9-1-1/EMS should be called concerning the following:
- Motor vehicle crashes involving injuries
- Heart attacks
- Strokes
- Falls
- Stabbings
- Gunshot wounds
- Back injuries
- Choking
- Burns or poisonings
- Sudden severe illness