How EMS works & How to be prepared
How Does the EMS System Work?
Sedgwick County takes an integrated approach to ensure residents and visitors receive the highest quality service 24 hours a day.
When you call 9-1-1 with a medical emergency, an ambulance is dispatched and the nearest fire department is alerted. Often, the fire department will reach a scene before the ambulance arrives to assess the situation and perform first response assistance. Firefighters are trained to begin a number of procedures that will help the patient until an ambulance arrives. Paramedics and EMTs provide more advanced medical care and transport patients to medical facilities.
Help EMS Help You
- Display your address on your refrigerator or near a telephone in case someone else needs to call 9-1-1 for you.
- Display your house number prominently on your home and/or curb.
- The questions asked by 9-1-1 call takers, paramedics and EMTs are important and designed to help you. Answer all questions honestly.
- Know your hospital preference and primary care physician
Know Where These Items Are Located
- Health insurance information
- A list or location of current medications
- Emergency contact information
- Advanced directives - do not resuscitate (DNR), durable power of attorney for health care decisions (DPOA-HCD), and living will