Get Physical

Why is exercise important?

In Sedgwick County, 38 percent of adults are overweight and 24 percent are obese; while 16 percent of our children and young adults are overweight. Obesity is a pandemic affecting all Americans either directly or indirectly; it is costly to our bodies and our bottom lines. Read more about obesity in Sedgwick County in the Data Book.

The recommended amount of physical activity is at least 30 minutes of moderate activity five or more times per week. Only 32 percent of Sedgwick County adults get the recommended amount of physical activity.

What are the benefits?

Read about the benefits of physical activity (hint: there are many more than just looking good in a bathing suit, as if that weren't enough!).

What counts as exercise?

How can I move more?

Overcome the Barriers

Many personal variables affect our plans to become more physically active. Some include not having enough time to exercise, lack self-motivation, or finding exercise boring. Some people fear being injured or lack encouragement, support or companionship from family and friends.

The Barriers to Being Active Quiz can help you identify the types of physical activity barriers that are undermining your ability to make regular physical activity an integral part of your life.


Waking is free (after purchase of a pair of walking/running shoes) and you can do it almost anywhere and anytime. Here are some places to walk in Sedgwick County:

Count Your Steps

Wear a pedometer and try to get 10,000 steps a day. Use this chart to convert your activities to steps!