Working Out Our Democracy

Records at Mercy of Fire: Register of Deeds Fears for Safety of Most Valuable Books in the County Because of Exposure

Fees or Salary 6.28.1919 Wichita Beacon


Filing Ordinances 5.12.19

File ordinances

First Sedgwick County Vote 4.30.1870 Junction City Weekly Union

county officers elected

Real Estate for Cars 11.6.1913 Wichita Beacon

mortgage on the car

Sedgwick County Space Problems 1.11.1883 Wichita Eagle

new quarters for probate judge

Old Soldiers 5.2.1912 Wichita Daily Eagle

Incumbent should be a veteran

No Second Terms

Mere citizen

Sign the Pledge

sign the pledge for one term only

Cease recording discharge papers

Charging Fee for filing Discharges

return money