
For assistance with legal matters, the Register of Deeds recommends consulting your attorney, an abstracter, or a title company. We are unable to complete forms or address inquiries related to legal issues. Please ensure you have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your device to view all forms. Depending on your internet connection speed, some forms may take a moment to open. Note that most forms provided are legal documents and require legal size (8 1/2" x 14") paper. These forms are intended for online completion and subsequent printing.


For the creation of new deeds or inquiries about which deed suits your requirements, we advise consulting a real estate attorney or a title company.

For legal assistance:
-Lawyer Referral Service / Find an Attorney: Visit (
-Kansas Legal Services: Access resources at
-Kansas Elder Hotline (for individuals over 60): Call toll free at 1-800-353-5337.


Uniform Commercial Code Forms